Archive for stalking youtubers

Stalking YouTubers

Posted in uncategorized with tags on December 1, 2015 by andelino

Palestinian Toddler requests “Machine Gun to “Defeat Israel and the Zionists”

Palestinian Toddler 01

“Innocent Muslim child cries as filthy Jews steal his candy.”

Daddy gave me a present, a machine gun and a rifle.
When I am a big boy, I will join the Liberation Army.
The army of Al-Qassam (Hamas),
Which has taught us how to defend our homeland.
Our homeland is precious, precious.
We are victorious, victorious over America and Israel.

His parents should arrange a “marriage” between him and this little “darling…”


A woman “fainted” during a Hillary Clinton campaign “stump” speech in Tennessee…

“I thought it was the talk of Republicans that might have done it,” she sarcastically quipped.


Obama “refuses” to share Intel with Russia, further “confirming” that he never had any intention of “destroying” ISIS, only Bashar Assad…

As a result, France is “sharing” Intel with Russia, the only force that is actually “fighting” ISIS in Syria. And if that doesn’t “convince” you, how about the $700 million in “weapons” Obama has just approved for “anti-Assad rebels,” most of whom are not fighting “against” ISIS, and many of whom are or soon will be fighting “with” ISIS.


Liberal “ignorance” and the West’s struggle with “radical” Islam…

…if only we had more “leaders” in government like this.


Islamic State (ISIS) are running “Jihad” training schools for young “children and teens…”

…according to Barack Hussein Obama, ISIS has been “contained.” Contained in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Europe and “soon” in the U.S.


Russia’s Interior Ministry “donated” a German Shepherd puppy named “Dobrynya” to the French police force after Diesel, a 7-year-old Belgian Malinois, was “killed” during a French Special Forces raid on Muslim “terrorist” hideout in Saint-Denis, Paris.

Obama went over the top with “two” gifts instead of one. A “get well” card with a Wal-Mart “coupon.” These “gracious” gifts will hopefully “heal” some wounds.


Pay it “forward…”

Pay it forward 01
Pay it forward 02


You’ve got to love “Aussie” chicks…

Down Under 01

…Aussie girls are “truly” a pleasure.


Brutal Russian “road” accidents…

…car crash “compilation” 2014.


Young Russian “patriots” pleading with the West to “align” with Russia to destroy our “common”enemy…

…Islamic “terrorism.”


Fallen Angel: An investigative “documentary” about the “cover-up” of the shoot down of “Seal Team 6,” the single largest “loss” in Navy Seal history…

FallenAngel 01

“By my bed in the residence is a picture of me and Michelle in Luxembourg Gardens, kissing,” Obama said…

Two Monkey Kissing 01


Don’t “come” to Sweden…

…the last “bastion of humanitarianism” has fallen…


Putin said Turkey “stabbed us in the back and hit our planes that are fighting terrorism…”

…this tragic event will have serious “consequences” for Russian-Turkish relations.


Syrian Al-Qaeda “thanks” John McCain for the “Tow” missiles…

…the “brave fighters” McCain is referring to are “members” of ISIS.


Voters in Swiss Ticino “ban” full-face Muslim veil…

“Those who want to integrate are welcome irrespective of their religion,” explained Giorgio Ghiringhelli, who wrote the proposal. “But those who rebuff our values and aim to build a parallel society based on religious laws, and want to place it over our society, are not welcome.”


Child “Sexual” Abuse…

…a big issue that gets “pushed” under the rug.


In their “own” words…

…Muslims tell you exactly why Islam can never coexist with “free speech, human rights, women’s rights, critical thinking, and democratic principles of freedom.”


Obama is a “radical” communist…

…who will “destroy” America.


US Government Statistics

Black on Black 01

While only 13.2 % of the American population is black:

67% of black households are single parent
72% of all black babies born out of wedlock
50% of all black kids don’t finish high school
52% of all violent juvenile crimes are committed by blacks
45% of all drug offenses are committed by blacks
85% of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks
79% of all robberies are committed by blacks
80% of all shootings are committed by blacks
59% of all murders are committed by blacks
49% of all murder victims are black
93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black
33% of all crimes are committed by 3% of the population; blacks between the ages of 16 and 36.

Did you know that in a 10 year period 1,130 black where killed by cops.
7,999 blacks were killed in 1 (ONE) year alone….and 93% where killed by another black.
cops will kill 113 blacks in one year
Blacks will kill 7,439 blacks in the same time frame.
It will take about 66 years of cops killing blacks to equal just 1 (ONE) year of blacks killings blacks.


Get “informed,” get “armed,” get “ready…”

…it’s your “civic” responsibility to “prevent” the next “terrorist” attack.

Get informed 01


Time to “remove” this Muslim….

…before it is “too” late.


A Man’s “revenge” on his “cheating” Ex…

…the “only” way you should ever “break” up.


Obama vs. Putin…

…Girly Man vs. Man’s Man.


Misconceptions about Islam…

Misconceptions 01…coming soon to a city near you


Russian Jet “Shoot” Down…

…what they’re “not” telling you.


ISIS fighter “cries” like a baby after being “captured” by Kurdish forces…

…a “bullet” to the head would have “solved” his misery.


Stalking YouTubers Weekly

Posted in uncategorized with tags , on November 22, 2015 by andelino

Stalking You Tubers 02

Trump described the “entire” situation in Missouri as “disgusting…”

“I think the two people that resigned are weak, ineffective people. I think that when they resigned, they set something in motion that’s gonna be a disaster for a long period of time.”

The politically correct term for the impending fall of Europe is “Population Replacement…”

…also known as “White Genocide.”


Friday on ABC’s Good Morning America, Stephanopoulos asked Obama if “ISIS” was gaining in strength. Obama denied they were…

“I don’t think they’re gaining strength. What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they’ll come in, they’ll leave, but you don’t see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain.”

…so there you have it, America. All is well in the world. Obama has proclaimed it so. We must assume that Paris, France is not somewhere “across the terrain.”


Donald Trump “best” speech so far in Fort Dodge, IA…

…keep “stirring” the pot.

College Girl “solves” the Student Loan Crisis…

…saying “rich” people should pay 100% of college tuition and “pay off” everyone’s debt.


Obama has earmarked $700 million more in weapons to arm anti-Assad “rebels”which quickly will fall into the hands of the Islamic State…

…why isn’t Congress “stopping” this?


Donald Trump Beaumont, TX Rally (11-14-15)…

…Trump “embraces” parents of children murdered by “illegal” immigrants.


Peter Quinn from “Homeland” tells it like it is…

“ISIS have a clear strategy. A strategy which includes beheadings, crucifixions, and the revival of slavery, and it all derives from their fucking book, the only book they ever read, the Quran.”


When a Muslim “tries” to tell you the Islamic State (ISIS) has “nothing to do” with Islam, just show them this…

France Muslim Statement 02

…best to listen along with “Arabic” music while your read the statement from ISIS.


DONALD TRUMP: “If I were President today, I would shut down all mosques or place them under surveillance…”

“From what I heard in the days of Giuliani and Bloomberg, we had great surveillance of mosques and Muslims in New York City, and now the mayor, Bill DeBlasio, totally cut that out.”

Al-Nusra Front Commander “killed” while being “interviewed” about group’s success in Syria…

…Allah always knows what is “best” for you.

Better to remain “silent” and be thought a “fool” than to open your mouth and “leave” no doubt…

…how many “times” are our leaders going to “repeat” the damn lie that “ISIS has nothing to do with Islam?”


As Democrat presidential candidates “defend” Islam…

…Donald Trump lays out “strategy” for defeating ISIS.


Barbara Jordan “reveals” the NumbersUSA ad “findings” of the bipartisan commission some two “decades” ago…

“The commission finds no national interest in continuing to import lesser skilled and unskilled workers to complete in the most vulnerable parts of our labor force. Many of our American workers do not have adequate job prospects. We should make their job easier to find employment, not harder.”


How much longer will this guy keep breaking his “own” record…

…for longest usable golf club.


We Will Burn America “ISIS Propaganda Video…”

It is basically a summary of all previous ISIS propaganda videos, released by them.


Putin vs. Obama…

Putin 01

Contained 01

Contained 02


Patrick Kane is still in the “prime” of his career and already has a “lifetime” of memorable moments…

…here’s hoping he can “keep” this up all year long.

A shining “example” how Migrants “assimilated” into Europe…

…perfect expression of what “colorful and enriching” experiences these “new Europeans” from different ethnic backgrounds and nations are bringing to Europe.


A reporter asked Trump whether there should be a “database” to track Muslims…

“We should have a lot of systems,” Trump responded, but then went on to tout the importance of a strong border and wall.


PROJECT VERITAS UNDERCOVER reveals how “easy” it is for terrorists to get “fake” passports and IDs for entry into Europe and the U.S…

Reports from Europe confirm that only about 20% of the “refugees” are from Syria, and of them, up to 80% are young “males” of military age, many of whom are ISIS backed “jihadists” embedded as refugees.

…“Apparently Americans are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States.”

“High Noon” to get rid of this Muslim in the White “Rainbow” Mosque before it is too late.


Stalking YouTubers

Posted in uncategorized with tags on November 11, 2015 by andelino

Stalking You Tubers 02

If you put a “big” enough engine in it…

…anything will fly.

Trump extended his brand of “diplomacy and non-interventionist” stance to women’s rights, saying that America should stop “meddling” in Middle Eastern affairs because “Muslim” women “don’t want freedom,” as evidenced by their desire to wear “Burkas or Niqabs,” covering their faces.

Trump Mwah 01

#1 and #2 in the polls.

Apparently, telling fact-based “truths” about Muslims is very good for presidential campaigns: #1 and #2 in the polls.

“With the women over there, they don’t have to wear the you-know-what,” Trump said referring to the “veils” worn by some Muslim women.

“And then I said, ‘Oh well that makes sense. That’s nice.’ Then, I saw women interviewed. They said, ‘We want to wear them. We’ve worn them for a thousand years. Why would anyone tell us?’ They want to. What the hell are we getting involved for?'”

The fact is it’s easier. You don’t have to “put” on make-up. Look how “beautiful” everyone looks. Wouldn’t it be easier if “mwah” (kissing sound)? Right? Wouldn’t that be easy? I tell you if I was a woman – “mwah” – I’m ready darling. Let’s go.”

Trump Mwah 02


What do you think a “Hispanic” voter would say about Barack Hussein Obama “running” for a third term?

Make sure you “listen” to the end. The “insanity” continues…



Vladimir Putin “slams” leaders who try to “differentiate” between terrorists and “moderate” terrorists. “There are no ‘moderate’ terrorists says the Russian president.”

Some countries, notably the United States, use a “double” standard. They claim to be fighting “against” terrorism, yet they are using so-called “moderate” terrorist groups as a battering ram to “overthrow” disliked regimes.

Speaking about the situation in the Middle East at the Valdai discussion forum, Putin said “Why play with words dividing terrorists into moderate and not moderate. What’s the difference?” None.

A whole “snarl” of terrorist groups act in the region, who fight against each other for “sources of income” and not for ideology, Putin said. The weapons provided by America to “moderate” opposition in the region had ended up in the “hands of terrorists.”

“It’s just an illusion that Muslim terrorists can be dealt with later, removed from power and somehow negotiated with,” he added.


Most of the Western media would never “dare” show you how Palestinian TV “inciting” Muslims to “slaughter” Jews in Israel…

…nothing like getting a “dose of reality”




Muslims are “above” the law, what they call “man-made” law, and you “employ” them at your own peril…and “legal fees”

…more reasons why you should never “hire” a Muslim


Sounds “good” at first…

…till you realize he’s going to “redistribute” your stash!

Here is a “nice” compilation of the many “new European” Muslim contributions …

I wonder why “none” of the rich Arab Muslim Gulf States will “take” any of them?

Stockholm Syndrome…

“rape” capital of the world.

Hillary Clinton “supporters” are in favor of expanding “sharia” law in America…

…these are the kind of “low-information” Democrats who are allowed to “vote” in America.

American Pharoah retiring…

…in case you “missed” it American Pharoah won the Breeders’ Cup Classic in “dominating” fashion completing the “mythical” Horse Racing Grand Slam “The Triple Crown and the Breeders Cup Classic.”

New York’s “Affirmative Consent” Sex Regulations…

…the most telling criticism of this “dopey” law is that “proof” of positive verbal consent during every stage of an “intimate” encounter is nearly impossible to obtain, especially since partners are meant to establish “ongoing” consent at every stage of an “escalating” sexual encounter.

Stalking YouTubers

Posted in uncategorized with tags on November 2, 2015 by andelino

Stalking You Tubers 02

In their conference on the women’s “role” in Islam, male panelists were “debating” whether it was acceptable to “beat” women. Two half “nude” female protesters “jumped” on stage and were “promptly” beaten.

I guess we know “now” where those male Muslims stand on “beating” women…


I can just picture hundreds of administrators and student group leaders and social justice warriors staring “slack jawed” at their computers and iPhones “dumbfounded.”

“But…but he said…we have to listen to other points of view…that we don’t agree with? And we have to actually allow them onto campus? We have to actually take into consideration what other people think instead of censoring and banning viewpoints that differ from our own? But…why?”


New York Rats are the “most” creative.

And the best “fed” creatures in all of New York.

Fat Rats 01


Great Trump Quote…

“I appreciate the Romo question, Tony’s a great guy. You know who’s also a great guy? Tom Brady. Total winner. He hasn’t thrown an interception or lost a game since he put my hat in his locker.

Tom Brady Trump Hat

Also hasn’t broken his collarbone. Coincidence? I’m not sure, I can’t answer that. But the facts speak for themselves: everyone who’s endorsed Trump is having a great year, everyone who hasn’t isn’t.”


Ronda Rousey is the “best” female UFC fighter in the world. When asked about the “challenges” Rousey faces against Holly Holm in her upcoming fight, she said, “I knew that if I came in her face right away — uh, that sounded terrible. Not right away. I take my time.”

Rousey laughed it off as “snickering” erupted throughout the press conference.


When Madonna pulled “gay” Anderson Cooper onstage with her during her concert in Brooklyn Sunday night, she didn’t just dance and sing “Unapologetic Bitch” with him.

She humped him, spanked him and gave him a banana, too. “Anderson thanks for being my Bitch tonight!!! Hope you enjoyed the Banana!!!!!!” the 57-year-old later wrote on Instagram.


Trolling “Feminist” Film Festival

Steven Crowder went to a “feminist” film festival in his underwear and got “kicked” out.


Three recently “converted” Moose lift there “assess” to Allah in front of a brand new “Mooseque.”

Alaska Moose 01

Not even Alaska is “safe” from the Muslim invasion!


Now that Richard Nixon has thrown his “hat in the ring” do you think he could be “elected” president in 2016?

No, this is “not” a trick question. Amazing how “stupid” people are. America is doomed with “idiots” like these.


We Be Sisters discuss “Carly Farina and balls.”

The female candidate who “pretends” to have some.

We Be Sisters be tellin’ “Jeb Bush to listen to his mama.” 

The country has had “enough” Bushes.


The Endgame “Full White Genocide Documentary”

Perhaps it will take someone “like” Vladimir Putin to “save” the West from itself?


Donald Trump Campaign Rally at Oklahoma State Fair (9-25-15)

The event drew thousands and even included a special guest, Willie Robertson of “Duck Dynasty.”

Donald Trump Campaign Rally in Miami at Trump National Doral (10-23-15)

Protesters tried to “interrupt” the speech several times, but were met with chants of “U.S.A. U.S.A.” from supporters.


Donald Trump takes some “pot shots” at Democrat candidates for president

And he’s just “warming” up, folks.


The Taiwanese Animators take on “The Donald!”

And offer a sneak preview of the Democrat debate’s “enemy” combatants:

Even half way ’round the world, they can see Hillary for the untamed “shrew” she really is.


What Bill Whittle Loves About Donald Trump…


Dictatorships starting to look eerie familiar here at the White “Rainbow” Mosque in Washington D.C.