Calling Evil Good

“You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared.” (Ezekiel 28:13)

Have you seen any of the videos lately on YouTube showing what, for all intents and purposes, looks to be a “rock concert” but upon closer inspection is actually a “worship service” in a Christian church? The Emergent Church is very big on this, going so far in some cases to sing secular rock and pop songs from the pulpit! Missionary Spencer Smith, in his book “Calling Evil Good: The Lie Of Christian’ Rock”, takes on the subject of Christian rock music as he runs the topic through the perfect filter of the Bible.

Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) is the new innovation of the hour in our age of church history. It has taken the Bible believing church by storm. When a fundamental church institutes CCM as its musical style, it always moves into the new evangelical hemisphere. Where CCM comes, new evangelicalism follows, as certainly as the tail follows the dog. Reverent worship disappears, sound doctrine declines, and the holy living is despised. Why does this happen? This wonderfully written book “Calling Evil Good” will give you the answer.

Missionary Spencer Smith confronts the issues with a loving approach that instructs the reader on public and private Biblical standards concerning music. In his research, he even met many CCM “artists” that reinforce the case being presented and many of those stories are laid out for you. Although our world may be changing and many church services have become similar to that of a circus, God has not left us without a musical blueprint to practice. Although some may attempt to muddy the waters, this book washes away all the filth, so that we might see Jesus. This excellent volume should be read, reread, and applied. It will be a blessing to you!

If you are hooked up with the “Contemporary Christian Music” scene, attend a “Laodicean” megachurch, or listen to anyone who sings about a “universal christ”, you need to run from that junk and repent of it immediately. If not, you just may wind up as an “exvangelical” who is “deconstructing” your faith in Jesus Christ. What type of music you listen to on a daily basis tells a lot about the spiritual condition of your heart, and Christian rock music may feel good in the moment, but it’s chipping away at the time you spend in the Bible and personal prayer time with the Lord.

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