Russell Brand Baptism

“Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.” (Romans 6:3-4)

Much news has been made in recent days about the baptism of Hollywood actor and social media star Russell Brand into the Roman Catholic Cult created by the Emperor Constantine in the 4th century. He got “wet” but not “saved” and we would do well to compare this to what the scripture tells us is true about baptism.

We know now that Brand has become a Roman Catholic. But now we need to ascertain if we can find his “testimony of salvation.” So far I have come across nothing that would indicate he has heard Paul’s gospel of the “death, burial and resurrection” of Jesus Christ according to the scripture. While Russell Brand telling us that baptism is a gateway to “higher consciousness”, he doesn’t mention Jesus ONE time. He did not get saved. Baptism does not save you. Becoming a Roman Catholic cult member does not save you. This man remains lost, pray for him.

Is he aware of his sinful condition? Is he trusting the shed blood of Jesus Christ alone? I have seen multiple videos posted by Brand, and he thinks that his good works are now necessary to maintain his state as a Christian. About his baptism, Brand says he has now been “awakened and untethered” to this “new level of consciousness”. In Brand’s mind, Jesus is a “thing” not a Person, and he has joined this mystical group of knowledge seekers much like the Rosicrucians.

He has religion all right, he just doesn’t have Jesus, and he doesn’t have Jesus because no one gave him the gospel. Joining the Roman Catholic Church makes you a member of that organization, it doesn’t save your soul. In the Bible, people are baptized after getting saved, and then they were added to the church.

During an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson he said, “Like many desperate people, I need spirituality. I need God, or I cannot cope in this world. I need to believe in the best in people.” Acknowledging he “didn’t have enough self-discipline to resist the allure of stardom,” he said he “fell face-first into the glitter, and I’m only just pulling myself out now.”

Brand’s spiritual transformation follows amid a series of sexual allegations of sexual misconduct dating back to his movie career peak from 2006 to 2013. Brand, however, has denied the allegations, which argued that while the relationships were consensual, they were part of a wider pattern of inappropriate behavior.

If you want to do something nice for Russell Brand, pray the Lord will send “born again” Christians his way to give him the gospel, that’s the nicest thing you could do for him. Remember back in 2019 when Kanye West pretended to get saved, and what an unholy mess all that turned out to be? In 2024, West is a Jew-hating, antisemite who performs with satanists and is getting ready to launch a porn channel. You know what Kanye didn’t have 5 years ago? He didn’t have a testimony of salvation, and neither does Russell Brand in 2024. Pray for Russell Brand to get saved, because he’s not and he very much needs to be.

His most recent social media announcements about baptism and its effects on him did not contain anything pertaining to the biblical Gospel. He did not mention sin, repentance, or the exclusivity of Jesus Christ. He did not renounce his former errant spiritual ideas or practices. Instead, he makes references to tarot cards, Buddhist and Hindu ideas and concepts, as well as keywords that pertain to New Age spirituality. In many of Brand’s past videos, he shared that Jesus is a way to get to God, or what he called the “universal consciousness.” In the past, he stated that he found more interest in other forms of spirituality than Christianity. Now it would seem that he has taken a greater interest in Christianity.

But the problem is that interest in Christianity leads neither to salvation nor true conversion. It is not enough to have an interest in Christian ideals or principles; many atheists, Muslims, Hindus, etc. find some of the ideas of Christianity to be interesting, and some even acknowledge them as valuable and helpful. However, Christianity is not a vehicle for enlightenment or self-actualization, as New Age philosophies present themselves to be. To become a Christian, one must at the very least believe in the exclusivity of Christ and His unique divinity, the sinfulness of man, the need for salvation through the finished work of Jesus on the cross, repentance from sin, and total trust and faith in Jesus Christ.

These are prerequisites in the New Testament for someone to be “born again.” Sadly, it seems that Brand does not understand that this is what it means to be a Christian and a follower of Jesus. When listening to his recent videos, it feels like he is adopting some added beliefs that fit him for his current season of life. This is what New Age spirituality often entails. It has a “cafeteria” feel to it. Christianity, on the other hand, posits that there is truth and falsehood. It posits that any form of spirituality outside of the Bible and outside of trusting in Jesus Christ alone is satanic in origin and a deception.

Leviticus 20:6 “‘I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.”

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