Degrowth Communism

“The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.” (Revelation 9:20)

Make no mistake about it, the “Climate Change Movement” as it exists around the world in 2024 is very much a religion, and within that context, its adherents are working feverishly to bring in an eco-theocracy. The object of worship is, of course, the divine feminine in the form of “Mother Earth”, and now a new group called the “Degrowth Movement” combines Agenda 2030 with Communism. Doesn’t that sound exciting? It does if you’re Bill Gates or Klaus Schwab. Say hello to the “new guy”, Kohei Saito

Of course, all of this is leading us towards Communism, towards the enslavement warned about in books like “1984” that was written by a Socialist who saw the handwriting on the wall. The concept of man-made climate change is a “hoax,” not even close to being true on any level. But it makes an excellent cudgel with which to batter your fellow man into submission. According to their own evolutionist doctrines, the most climate change happened in the Neoproterozoic Period 600 million years ago when the planet was much warmer than today.

In the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum Period around 92 million years ago, another heat spike. And in the Younger Dryas Period of about 12,000 years ago, things abruptly cooled off. Ice Age. You will note that none of these periods were affected by anything man was or was not doing. So whether it’s C40 Cites, eating bugs instead of steak, Degrowth Communism, Climate Change, Agenda 2030, or the Great Reset, it all comes from the same people, and takes you the same place.

Kohei Saito knows he sounds like a madman. That’s kind of the point, the Japanese philosopher told me during a recent visit to New York City. “Maybe, then, people get shocked,” he said. “What’s this crazy guy saying?”

The crazy idea is “de-growth communism,” a combination of two concepts that are contentious on their own. Degrowth holds that there will always be a correlation between economic output and carbon emissions, so the best way to fight climate change is for wealthy nations to cut back on consumption and reduce the “material throughput” that creates demand for energy and drives GDP.

Read more at “Is America Ready for Degrowth Communism”?

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