The State of the Union


Even as Donald Trump was “uttering” the final words of his State of the Union address—“God bless you, and God bless America—thank you very much”—Nancy Pelosi was right behind him “ripping” up his manuscript.

Why? She explained afterward, “Because it was the courteous thing to do, considering the alternatives.” 

This is ”Ripper” Pelosi being “courteous.” In fact, throughout the speech she was demonstrating her peculiar style of courtesy with “continual fidgeting, head shaking, paper shuffling, pre-ripping the manuscript, sucking dentures in from falling out, waving to the audience and openly muttering who knows what.” But don’t think she “hates” the man she was sitting behind.

When a reporter suggested last month that she “hates” President Trump, she sternly corrected him: “I don’t hate anyone. I was raised in a way that is a heart full of love, and always pray for the president. I pray for the president all the time. So don’t mess with me when it comes to words like that.” 

Never mind her “actions.” Just take her at her word: “Her heart is full of love, so don’t mess with her.”

The irony was not lost on many who watched the president’s speech. The reaction of Pelosi and her Democrats gave all of us a good hard look at the “distorted” lens through which they view “right and wrong, evil and good.”

As President Trump enumerated a litany of “national” successes, the gallery and half of Congress cheered while Democrats sat, “stone-faced and visibly agitated.” Most Democrats saw nothing to “celebrate” in unexpectedly robust job creation, higher wages, and lower African American and Hispanic unemployment.

  • They could not applaud progress in fighting the Opioid epidemic, supporting neonatal health care, lowering prescription drug costs or securing America’s border.
  • They wore on their faces their disapproval of merit-based immigration and a path to citizenship.
  • They apparently see nothing good about weakening the Islamic State, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, or strengthening America’s military.

These “moralistic” lawmakers were “unmoved” by the guests and visitors this impeached president “invited” to the Capitol.

  • Many would not applaud a young black girl receiving an academic scholarship.
  • Some remained adamantly seated so as not to honor one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen, the first black fighter pilots.
  • Many felt no need to stand in respect for a family whose two daughters were murdered by the ms-13 gang.

Speaker Pelosi would barely even look at the brother of a man murdered by an “illegal” immigrant, let alone acknowledge his loss. And on and on the “courtesy” went.

The Democratic Party prides itself on its “compassion, humanity and charity.” It says it fights for “freedom, justice, equality, fairness.” It has a “heart full of love” for everyone. However, don’t judge them by their conspicuous “incivility” or by their “acrid” reaction to evidence of their own nation’s resurgence. Just take them at their word.

For three years, Democrats have been working to “thwart” this president, and for several weeks they have “prosecuted” his impeachment. If you take them at their word during these latest hearings, you would think their party was founded on “respect for law.” They are keen watchdogs against all forms of “corruption and abuse of power. “

They are fierce advocates of the norms of jurisprudence, of equitable execution of blind justice. In speech after speech, they invoke the sacredness of the Constitution and the divine wisdom of the founders: Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Franklin. They are courageously standing in the breach, defenders of democracy, guardians of the republic, champions of the rule of law, shield and buckler, high tower and fortress to all that is good and upright.

And woe and shame upon any who would disagree! These impartial statesmen express astonishment at the crass partisanship displayed by Republicans, who have sold their souls for political gain. They say they are deeply troubled, grieved, pained by the systematic dismantling of the holy pillars of governance that have under-girded American exceptionalism. They say that the acquittal of President Trump by the Senate today marks the death knell for the founders’ vision, and the tragic ruination of what would otherwise be the greatest country in human history. They love the Constitution, and they love America. They say.

It’s very difficult to stomach, considering the source. In fact, this is bald-faced “hypocrisy” on a scale I have never personally witnessed in my life.

Barely a month ago, these same individuals rushed their impeachment case through the House of Representatives, forbade cross-examination of witnesses, blocked the opposition from calling witnesses, trampled due process, and refused the president opportunity to mount a defense.  

Now they are lecturing about the sanctity of seeking and airing the whole truth. Their entire case is based on an allegation that the president worked Ukraine’s president to investigate a political opponent, yet they willingly overlook identical activity by members of their own party. They continue to accuse the president of colluding with the Russians—having launched an investigation against him based on false accusations concocted by Russian informants.

The examples of their “two-facedness” are legion. But perhaps most stunning is their sudden reformation into “strict constitutionalists.”

For years most of them applauded as the previous president repeatedly bypassed or ignored constitutional limits on his power. For years many have praised cities, counties and states for flatly refusing to uphold and enforce immigration law. For years they have broadly ignored and excused rank criminality, rioting and violence as being a “natural response” to systemic injustice. 

For years they have labored to rewrite America’s history into a story of shame. For years they have attacked constitutional guarantees including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms. For years they have denounced the Constitution itself: It’s antiquated and outdated; it must be reinterpreted, made a “living document”; it’s a “charter of negative liberties,” restricting government rather than empowering it on the people’s behalf; it’s a racist invention of bigoted slave-owners.

Now, as they prepare for the next presidential election, the Democratic candidates have been “tripping” over each other trying to prove who among them is willing to act most “radically” to reshape the country by “denying people rights, despoiling the wealthy and destroying whole industries.” They would proudly employ virtually any means necessary.

They exalt “politics over principle.” Their whole mindset is utterly “lawless.” Yet suddenly we are all expected to believe these sanctimonious speeches about the “sagacity of the framers, the sacredness of American ideals, and the inviolability of the rule of law?”

It should be clearer than ever: “Their view of right and wrong, evil and good, is fundamentally crooked.” Here is a suggestion: “Don’t take them at their word.”

Watch what they do. Look at the effects of the policies they propose. Jesus Christ warned us and said, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?” (Matthew 7:15-16).

They say they want to help “the poor, help minorities, help women.” But when the president gives a speech about 7 million people no longer needing “food” stamps, 10 million being lifted off “welfare,” black poverty and “unemployment” reaching their lowest levels in history, and the “workforce” offering more opportunities for women than ever, watch what they do.

Her heart is full of love, so don’t mess with her.

Their hearts are full of something, but it isn’t love. Jeremiah 17:9 says “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”

Democrats want to look “righteous, loving, prayerful, and courteous.” Judged by their fruits, humanity has a limitless history of wrapping its “corruption” in a cloak of righteousness.

Jesus experienced it Himself. When a woman anointed His feet with costly ointment, noble Judas rose in indignation: “That should have been sold and the money given to the poor!” he objected.

But John’s Gospel exposes the truth: “He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.” (John 12:6)

And soon after, Judas “betrayed” Jesus with a “kiss.” Yes, Satan himself masquerades as an “angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). He can call the rankest disrespect “courteous” and the most insidious hate “love.”

Just like Democrats. Words are powerful. Actions even more so.

One can only “hope and pray” with a “heart full of love” President Trump will be president “forever” as his “satirical”  tweet suggests, following the footsteps of Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin.

Nancy Pelosi planned out her toddler-like rip stunt all along
Who was Nancy Talking To?
Trump’s Dynamic SOTU Hits Democrats Hard
Nancy Pelosi Caught Setting Up Her SOTU Theatrics
Nancy Pelosi, Democrats Shameful SOTU Behavior
Trump’s SOTU Speech Approval Numbers Are Off The Charts
Democrat reactions to Trump’s State of the Union address and Pelosi’s tantrum
Pelosi’s hissy-fit and the advances of feminism
The unspeakable ungraciousness of the Democrats in Congress
Nancy’s Fake Fire Alarm
Pelosi Pre-Ripped Pages Of Trump’s SOTU Speech
Trump triumphs as Democrats are unable to impeach him in the Senate
Pelosi and Trump in metaphors

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