
(lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, fag, queer, anal power, bottom confused, undecided liars.)

How many “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” friends do you have?

Since “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” is now the most important “victim” group, other than “Muslims,” we need to take it a step beyond “Religious Freedom Restoration Act” justice.

Gays Muslim Unite

“LGBTFQAPBCUL©” people only want to be “accepted” and America needs to get “behind” them with the almighty “power” of government.

In a glorious “ruling” by Chief Justice John Roberts, we were told “every” person in America either had to buy “ObamaCare” or pay a “penalty” at tax time.

Well, why not have a quota of “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” friends?

Either you have “three” friends who are “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” or you “pay” a penalty equal to the “ObamaCare” penalty.

If you fail to have “ObamaCare” and fail to have enough “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” friends, you would pay the “penalty” amount twice.


The Government needs more “money” anyway as the “Gay-Commander-in-Chief” Barack Obama’s retirement is “approaching” and he will want to travel “quite a bit” at government expense!

So many “golf” courses, so “little” time.

Think of it as total “tolerance” mandated by the government. Pure “equality.” Everyone will have at least three “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” friends.

If someone self identifies as “LGBTFQAPBCUL©”, they of course get a waiver. They are already more “equal” than those who “don’t” identify this way.


Now, you might “think” that everyone will just self-identify as “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” to avoid excess paperwork and “risking” a penalty. But you would be wrong!

As most “heterosexuals” can remember, it was decided in the 1980’s that you are only “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” if you are “born” that way.

So if you “weren’t” born that way, you “can’t” self-identify as “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” because you would be “lying.”

See how “simple” it all is?


After conditioning society into realizing that there is a “mandatory” minimum number of “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” friends each person must have, we will start “focusing” on time they spend with their “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” friends.

Some “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” talk about the “loneliness” they feel. Well, “heterosexuals” friends need to “solve” this problem.

At tax time, the IRS will ask for a “detailed” accounting of how much “time you spent” with three or more “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” friends.

According to IRS tax regulations you must “assure” to equally “divide up” said time with your “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” friends or else that could trigger “another” financial penalty.

Upon successfully establishing the time “quota,” the IRS will move forward with full “reparations” for “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” for the past centuries of “discrimination” they faced.


Spending equal “amounts of time” with mandated “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” friends will not be enough.

You will also need to start “buying/paying” things for your “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” friends according to IRS rules.

1. Did you cover the cost of their meals and tips when you went to dinner with them?
2. Did you pay for their entertainment, luxury lingerie, Bodywork, sex toys and accessories items?
3. Did you cover the fuel and pay to use their car if they did the driving?
4. Did you cover hotel and Bordello accommodations?
5. Did you volunteered to pay for a mortgage for a house they might like?
6. Did you buy them a brand new luxury car at least once every two years?

These are all “things” that will need to be “covered” on future “Income Tax” forms at time of filing.

If you “fail” to provide this information, substantiated by “attached” expense receipts, there will be “additional” penalties!

Welcome to the Government mandated “LGBTFQAPBCUL©” community of new “friends” to usher in the glorious “Next Tuesday.”


How To Find LGBT Friends Online
LGBT Twitter Friends
Be an Ally & a Friend
The Vocativ Queer Index
Christians ‘Must Be Made’ to Embrace Gay Lifestyle

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